Trang chủ Tin tức - Sự kiện

Hội thảo “Chuyển đổi số Giáo dục với Dữ liệu và AI: Giải pháp từ Google for Education”

Đánh giá:
Nhằm nâng cao nhận thức về tầm quan trọng của chuyển đổi số trong giáo dục, nâng cao chất lượng giáo dục, tăng cường hiệu quả học tập và giảng dạy; Giới thiệu các giải pháp hỗ trợ giáo dục của Google for Education; Chia sẻ kinh nghiệm và bài học hay trong lĩnh vực chuyển đổi số giáo dục đến từ các chuyên gia. Ngày 6-4, tại Trường Tiểu học Thành Công B, Phòng Giáo dục và Đào tạo quận Ba Đình phối hợp Google for Education tổ chức hội thảo “Chuyển đổi số giáo dục với dữ liệu và AI: Giải pháp từ Google for Education”.

Hơn 500 đại biểu đại diện cơ quan quản lý giáo dục, ban giám hiệu, giáo viên và phụ huynh học sinh các trường học của Hà Nội và một số tỉnh, thành phố phía Bắc đã chia sẻ nhiều giải pháp chuyển đổi số.




A group of people at a table

Description automatically generatedA group of people posing for a photo

Description automatically generatedA group of people at an event

Description automatically generatedA person in a red dress speaking into a microphone

Description automatically generatedA group of people standing in front of a screen

Description automatically generatedA tablet on a table

Description automatically generatedA person standing next to a wheel of fortune

Description automatically generatedA person and person on stage

Description automatically generatedA group of people standing on a stage

Description automatically generatedA group of people in a room

Description automatically generatedA group of people giving thumbs up

Description automatically generatedA group of people standing on a stage

Description automatically generatedA group of people standing in front of a sign

Description automatically generatedA group of people posing for a photo

Description automatically generatedA person speaking into a microphone

Description automatically generatedA person in a suit and tie standing in front of a crowd

Description automatically generatedA person clapping his hands

Description automatically generatedA person speaking into a microphone

Description automatically generatedA person standing in front of a group of people

Description automatically generatedA group of people sitting in a room

Description automatically generatedA group of men sitting at a table

Description automatically generatedA person speaking at a podium with flowers

Description automatically generatedA person pointing at a screen

Description automatically generatedA person at a booth with laptops

Description automatically generatedA person speaking into a microphone

Description automatically generatedA group of people clapping at a conference

Description automatically generatedA person standing at a podium

Description automatically generatedA group of people at a booth

Description automatically generatedA close-up of a sign

Description automatically generatedA person sitting at a table

Description automatically generatedA person standing on a stage with a microphone

Description automatically generatedA person standing in front of a large screen

Description automatically generatedA group of people standing around tables

Description automatically generatedA person giving a presentation to a group of people

Description automatically generatedA person standing in front of a large screen

Description automatically generatedA group of people standing in front of a sign

Description automatically generatedA person giving a presentation to a group of people

Description automatically generatedA group of people standing in front of a sign

Description automatically generatedA person speaking at a podium

Description automatically generatedA group of people standing in front of a sign

Description automatically generatedA person speaking into a microphone in front of a group of people

Description automatically generatedA group of people in a building

Description automatically generatedA group of people standing in front of a large screen

Description automatically generatedA group of people sitting in chairs in front of a large screen

Description automatically generatedA person standing at a podium

Description automatically generatedA group of people sitting in a room

Description automatically generatedA group of people sitting in chairs

Description automatically generatedA person speaking to a group of people

Description automatically generatedA person in a suit speaking in front of a large screen

Description automatically generatedA group of people standing in front of a sign

Description automatically generatedA group of men standing outside

Description automatically generatedA group of people sitting in front of a large screen

Description automatically generatedA group of women holding signs

Description automatically generatedA person standing on a stage with a large screen

Description automatically generatedA person standing at a podium with a podium behind her

Description automatically generatedA group of people working on a computer

Description automatically generatedA group of people looking at laptops

Description automatically generatedA person on a screen

Description automatically generatedA group of people standing in front of a screen

Description automatically generatedA large screen showing a group of kids using laptops

Description automatically generatedA group of people standing around a table

Description automatically generatedA person standing in front of a white booth

Description automatically generatedA person in a red shirt looking at a computer screen

Description automatically generatedA group of men in suits

Description automatically generatedA group of people standing in a courtyard

Description automatically generatedA group of people walking in a building

Description automatically generatedA group of people outside

Description automatically generatedTwo men standing in front of a display

Description automatically generatedA group of people standing in front of a sign

Description automatically generatedA gate with a sign above it

Description automatically generatedTwo women standing in front of a large screen

Description automatically generatedA group of people sitting in a room

Description automatically generatedA group of people sitting at tables

Description automatically generatedA group of people posing for a photo

Description automatically generatedA group of people sitting in chairs

Description automatically generatedA group of people standing in front of a large sign

Description automatically generatedA group of women standing in front of a sign

Description automatically generatedA group of people posing for a photo

Description automatically generated

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Tổng số điểm của bài viết là: 5/5 trong 7 đánh giá
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